The truth is, there is always hope. Allowing room for awareness, self-discovery and personal growth helps foster hope as it bridges that which was, is and will be. Allow difficulties in. Let them swirl in your mind, body and energy like an angry tide eroding the earth’s sculpted shores. Notice how difficulties change and affect you. Can you feel the moon’s gravitational pull as it aligns with the earth and sun, reinforcing each other with great tidal forces? It’s within your body – you are one with nature, so don’t fight it. Allow the difficulty. Bow to your loss. Dance with your uncertainty. Let memory find pain and become your teacher.
Read moreThe Spirit of Nature
“If you can recall love and you can recall loss and really feel the intensity of the two, while allowing yourself to lean into the pain- the fear and franticness of loss, as well as take shelter in the comfort, security and peace of the love, then you are truly living.” Amy M. Childers
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